

Entertainment on BoArd 


Instead of experiencing concerts in large halls, on the EUROPA 2 you will experience stars acoustically and up close – with an almost private touch. Enjoy exclusive encounters with outstanding musicians.

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  • Cabaret

    Sebastian Schnoy

    Sebastian Schnoy is a multi-award-winning cabaret artist, keynote speaker, presenter and Spiegel bestselling author. He appears on stage around 100 times a year in theatres, at congresses and for corporate events.

    His programs, in which he humorously illuminates political issues in connection with history, have been successfully presented in his books, such as "Smörrebröd in Napoli - ein vergnüglicher Streifzug durch Europa." and "Von Napoleon lernen, wie man sich vorm Abwasch drückt."

    Whether on stage or in a book: Europe is his passion, both on a historical and political level. That's why Sebastian calls for more Europe, and a defensive democracy that makes people happy. Sebastian Schnoy has been giving humorous talks for companies about artificial intelligence and digitalization since 2024.

    Prof. Dr. Guido Knopp attested to his amiable view of the peoples of Europe. 
    3sat broadcast his solo program. He was a guest on the NDR Talk Show, Kabarett aus Franken and Markus Lanz on ZDF. The FAZ newspaper called his program "politically refreshingly incorrect".